How do I learn who my advisor is?
Pomfret takes great pride in its advising system. The advisor plays a critical role in supporting the student experience. We hope each student develops a helpful, friendly, and sincere relationship with their advisor; advisees build tight bonds within the advisory group; and parents find the advisor a point of contact for all matters about their child.
Early in the school year, advisors reach out to families to introduce themselves and begin to build a partnership. It is helpful to set expectations early, ask questions, and speak often to fully support and inform each student and family.
Advisors help plan courses and grant permission for off-campus events in consultation with parents. Students formally meet with advisors weekly, and many see their advisor multiple times per week.
The Dean of Students coordinates the advising program.
Advisor assignment will be available in Sundial in August.
Log in to Sundial. Click on the My Day tab in the upper left-hand corner, choose the Progress tab, and scroll down to the appropriate section.
Log in to Sundial. Click on your child's name in the top left corner of the screen, choose the Progress tab, and scroll down to the appropriate section.
Charlotte McMahon
Dean of Students
(860) 963-6153