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College Prep


College. Ready.

Pomfret's College Counseling Office is staffed by an experienced team of counselors who will provide you with the direction, advice, structure, and encouragement you need to succeed. The result of this approach is a college placement rate of 100 percent, with the vast majority of applicants earning admission at one of their top choices, which includes some of the most selective colleges and universities in the world.



Our Approach

At Pomfret, the entire community works together to provide you with the direction, advice, structure, and encouragement you need.

The result is a level of personalized, proactive attention that only a small school like Pomfret can offer. Once at college, Pomfret students do well, with higher rates of achievement and lower rates of transfer than their peers.



If you try and think about the entirety of the college search process, it can feel overwhelming. But like any big project, it all becomes more manageable if you take it one step at a time. 

Led by an experienced team of college counselors — with input from teachers, coaches, and advisors — our four-year college counseling curriculum takes the guesswork and anxiety out of the college search process.




Roles & Responsibilities

It has long been said that much of college guidance is about relationships — between student and counselor, between school and college, between counselor and parent. Nowhere is that statement truer than at Pomfret.​

Everyone has a role to play. Students are the keepers of their future — on their path to self-discovery. Parents and college counselors are here to guide you and set you up for lifelong success.



Meet Your Counselors

Bruce Wolanin

Bruce Wolanin

Director of College Counseling
Sarah  Gawronski

Sarah Gawronski

Associate Director of College Counseling
Arthur Horst

Arthur Horst

Associate Director of College Counseling, Wrestling Head Coach
Leslie Kendig

Leslie Kendig

Learning Support Specialist, Testing Coordinator