Advisory Program
Our student have two homes. Advisory helps bridge the gap between those worlds.
The advisory program at Pomfret is known as one of the best in the boarding school world and is a source of genuine pride for our school. At the heart of the advisory experience is the faculty advisor: a surrogate parent who is always available to offer advice or lend a hand, through the good times and the bad.
Pomfret's program is distinguished by a network of faculty advisors, working together, sharing information, to support each and every student across every facet of school life. At Pomfret, students have two formal opportunities to meet with their advisor each week — during advisory dinner on Monday and advisory block on Thursday. As the primary lifeline for parents, advisors make formal reports at the close of each term, but it is the unexpected email or the perfectly timed phone call that makes all the difference for most parents at Pomfret.
“I have always viewed my role as an ombudsman of sorts,” says Associate Head of School Don Gibbs. “My job as an advisor is to help parents solve problems by engaging them in conversations that will help me to understand and appreciate their child. I am their eyes and ears on the ground."
Every advisory group at Pomfret is different, but they all have one thing in common: they need to eat. On evenings in the fall and spring, students gather around kitchen tables all over campus to partake in this Pomfret tradition. Sometimes the groups go out, but typically they stay in. Baked macaroni and cheese in one house. Chicken soup with salad in another. Pad Thai down the street. And while the smell of home-cooked deliciousness hangs in the air, the groups sit and they talk — about everything and nothing, all at the same time.