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A Message from Head of School Tim Richards
Corrine Szarkowicz

Thirteen years ago, Anne and I arrived with our daughter Lucy to start a new chapter of our lives on the Pomfret Hilltop. As I reflect on the twelve and a half years that Anne and I have spent here, I am beyond grateful for the incomparably wonderful experience we have had at this special school. And so it is with a host of emotions that I write to share that the 2024–2025 school year will be our last year at Pomfret.

Serving as Pomfret’s twelfth head of school has been the single greatest professional honor and privilege of my life. I’ve had the good fortune to work alongside three exceptionally caring, supportive, and wise board chairs: Peter Grauer, Charlie Wilmerding, and for the past nine years, Justin Klein. More broadly, I consider myself incredibly lucky to have worked with as supportive a board of trustees as a head of school could ever hope for. Add to that the wisdom, compassion, and guidance I have received from my senior leadership team, and the fact is that I have been truly blessed.

Pomfret has evolved in many ways over the past twelve-plus years. I believe that great schools have change and growth built into their DNA, and Pomfret is indeed a great school. And while I remain humbled to lead this place I love so much, new leadership with a fresh perspective is an essential component of continued growth and evolution for Pomfret.

Perhaps the biggest draw for Anne and me coming to Pomfret was the warmth that we felt from the people at this school who would become our colleagues. The faculty and staff at Pomfret are defined by their enormous kindness, compassion, dedication, and deep commitment to creating the framework for learning, community, and growth that is so evident in this special place. We will miss the sense of fellowship, camaraderie, and collegiality that we experience with our colleagues every single day.

I have been incredibly proud to watch Pomfret strive valiantly to grow over the past thirteen years. Together, we successfully navigated a global pandemic, adopted a new and forward-thinking mission, strategic vision, and values statement, and leaned into the question of what makes a truly transformative experience for young people. We have increased diversity within our student body, worked to foster a greater sense of belonging for all members of our community, and enhanced our educational DEI programs for students and faculty. Our current strategic plan, Change Makers and Problem Solvers, provides a strong foundation for the School’s future and charts a path forward. We have improved much of our physical plant, including the soon-to-open, state-of-the-art science building, VISTA. As we near the end of an $80 million comprehensive campaign — the largest in our history — the School is operating from a position of real strength as we look to the future.

The decision to accept Pomfret’s offer back in 2011 was one that Anne and I made together. After spending twenty-three years as a dynamic fourth-grade teacher, she gave that up to join me on this uncertain adventure. In time, she found her way to creating an amazing yoga program, has made her way into the classroom, and has run our community service program. Being the spouse of a head of school is not easy. On a personal note, she has served as my most trusted confidante, cheerleader, counselor, critic, supporter, nurse, and friend. I simply could not have made it through the many challenges, both personal and professional, that I have faced over the years without her wisdom, patience, kindness, and unabiding love. I offer my most profound gratitude to her.

I am eager to continue my work over the next eighteen months, and then hand the reins to the next leader whom I believe will take a strong school and make it even stronger. I remain fully committed to Pomfret, its mission, its values, its vision, and its people. Eighteen months from now, when Anne, Baloo, and I leave behind this place that has become our home for whatever our next adventure may be, we will do so with a deep love for this school, sincere appreciation for so many people, and confident that Pomfret will be poised for the next generation of growth and leadership.


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