
Time is your most important asset.

People choose to volunteer at Pomfret for a variety of reasons. For some it is an opportunity to give back to a school that has given so much to them. For others it is the chance to make a difference in the life of a student or teacher. Whatever your reason, we have a volunteer opportunity for you.

Alumni Council

The Alumni Association Executive Council (AAEC) is the voice of the Alumni Association at Pomfret. The AAEC works hard to ensure that Pomfret remains relevant and meaningful for alumni throughout their life by providing career, social, mentoring, and networking opportunities.

Class Agents

Alumni and parents agents work on behalf of Pomfret each year to connect with classmates and peers, offering anecdotes and insights into the life of the school, with the ultimate goal of encouraging them to support the school financially.

Reunion Committee

Reunion Committee volunteers work with the Advancement Office to plan and execute milestone reunions. This group contacts classmates, nominates potential award winners, identifies class speakers, plans specific class events, and works together to achieve a class fundraising goal.

Admissions Liaison

Admissions liaisons work with the school to help spread the word (and in some cases) recruit families to join the Pomfret community.

To learn more about these opportunities, please contact the Pomfret Alumni Office directly.