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Artificial Intelligence



THE GENERATIVE AI REVOLUTION is upon us, and there are profound implications for changes within the field of education. We need to consider deep pedagogical questions, including the role of teachers in classrooms, the differentiated ways that students learn, and the ethics of using machine learning models alongside or in place of traditional learning modes. Participants will engage in multiple hands-on experiments with the technology, coming away with practical and immediately useful course material for classes. You’ll leave as a thoughtful AI ambassador (or an informed critic!) for your own institution, ready to make plans for the coming school year over the summer.

Register Today




Register, get set up in your dorm room, set the stage for our week of exploration, then head to a cocktail hour and gourmet dinner at Pomfret's dining hall.


The Core Tools and Prompt Engineering 

Teachers and students both have a new learning curve to climb. You'll learn how to better prompt LLMs like ChatGPT.


Deep Exploration: Images, Audio, Voices, Video

The AI revolution extends well beyond text. We'll explore what these other tools have to offer education.


Work It

Use what you’ve learned in the past three days to experiment, create, craft prompts, and organize the “AI Seeds” that you’ll bring back to your school.


Present Your Plans

Engage in extended sharing, feedback, and reflection on your AI seeds.


Meet Your Facilitator

Josh Lake

Josh is the head of the science department at Pomfret and has taught science, digital arts, and computer-based courses for 22 years. His passion is astronomy, and he was an astrophysics major back at the turn of the century, but since he came to Pomfret, he’s thriving on the wider focus of how technology can transform teaching and learning. With a masters in Learning and Knowledge Management Systems, he’s been eagerly waiting for this moment when the power of AI has come to the general public and has wide access in schools that allow it. He’s actively using Generative AI text and image tools in all of his classes and helps lead the Pomfret faculty and administration toward a mutually beneficial facility with these future looking tools. Josh wants to encourage other passionate teachers to thoughtfully, ethically, and proactively approach the current educational sea change that this AI revolution invoked.