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Let the world be your teacher.

Many Pomfret students choose to travel in the US or abroad during their time on the Hilltop. In doing so, they gain valuable insight into different cultures, different languages, and different ways of seeing the world.  More often than not, these lucky students return transformed by our travel programs, whether they travel with our travel abroad program or in the state's program, and are excited to share what they have learned with others. Visit places like Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, Peru, Morocco, Vermont, and Maine while earning course credit and return home transformed and eager to share what you learned with others.


Ecuador in May
From small communities of the Andean cloud forest to the world-famous Galápagos Islands, this program is the perfect combination of Ecuadorian culture, tradition, and nature. One Trimester Science Credit. Sustainability, STEM, Global Citizenship & Awareness, or Character and Leadership Certificate Credit.

Spain in June
Destino Salamanca is a two-week intensive language course that offers a total immersion experience with four hours of daily language instruction, homestays with Spanish families, daily cultural activities, and weekend trips to Avila and Madrid. One Trimester World Languages Credit. Global Citizenship & Awareness Certificate Credit.

Maine in August
Just before school starts, students venture north to Hurricane Island in Penobscot Bay to get their feet wet during Marine Ecology and Climate Change on the Maine Seacoast. One Trimester Science Credit. STEM or Sustainability Certificate Credit

Financial Assistance Available
Every three- and four-year student who registers for a Pomfret-sponsored, travel-based program has the opportunity to receive funding once during their time at Pomfret. Decisions are based on the family's ability to pay for the specific program in question. Financial awards, for those who demonstrate appropriate need, range from a partial reduction of the program fee to full forgiveness. This benefit is available to all students, not just students who receive traditional financial aid. 


Even More Ways to Experience the World