Students will use their proven linguistic skills to dive deeper into social and cultural issues across the Francophone world. This course, conducted entirely in French, is reserved for students at the highest level of French.
World Languages
Learning a new language is about more than parts of speech. It's about stepping into another culture — which, in the end, will change the way you see your own. The Pomfret faculty believe that acquiring a world language broadens students' communication skills and opens the door to a world of opportunity.
World Languages Courses
Foreign language study at Pomfret includes opportunities to put new languages to use with overseas travel, independent study, and literature classes that allow native students to stay engaged in their own language during their time at Pomfret.
Build fluency in Latin translation as you read and analyze authentic Latin text. Through Latin composition, students will review and broaden their understanding of Latin grammar, and its connection to modern languages.
Designed to master all the language skills through a variety of activities and projects. This class will be conducted exclusively in Spanish.
Dive into selected works of Spanish literature, spanning prose, poetry, and plays. The journey begins in the Middle Ages and culminates with contemporary texts. Lessons are conducted exclusively in Spanish.
This two-week intensive language program offers Pomfret students a total immersion experience with four hours of daily language instruction, home stays with Spanish families, daily cultural activities, and weekend trips to Segovia and Madrid.
Introduces students to the basic elements of French vocabulary and grammar, as well as the different cultures and civilizations of the Franco-phonic countries around the world.
A continuation of material studied in French I. This class is conducted in French. An honors section may be offered depending upon enrollment.
Reinforces listening, comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills developed during the first two years. This class is conducted in French.
In this advanced language course, students continue to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills acquired during their previous years of French study. This class is conducted in French.
This course covers the same material as the regular French II section, but the pace will be quicker, the analysis more in depth, and the writing load more substantial. This class is conducted in French.
Designed to give linguistically-gifted students the opportunity to learn more diverse materials at a faster pace. This class is conducted in French.
Students with proven linguistic skills will continue to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills acquired during the first three years. This class is conducted in French.
The honors section builds upon previously learned material and provides an accelerated approach to mastering the four linguistic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This class is conducted exclusively in Spanish.
An intensive course for highly motivated language students who wish to become more linguistically and culturally proficient. This class is conducted exclusively in Spanish.
Intended for the strong and proficient language learner who has demonstrated an ear for the language and has authored honors-level grades in prior courses. This class is conducted exclusively in Spanish.
World Languages Faculty