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The arts faculty is comprised of practicing artists committed to helping you discover and express your unique vision of the world through art. The department offers classes in seven distinct disciplines, including dance, digital media and design, music, painting and drawing, photography, sculpture and ceramics, and theater. All freshmen participate in a yearlong Arts Immersion course, which exposes them to the breadth and depth of our creative offerings.


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Arts Courses

ADV Ceramics

For students who have demonstrated through both dedication and skill level their commitment to creating in clay.

Read More about ADV Ceramics
Ceramics I

Students will learn hand building techniques in this introductory course in working with clay and glazes.

Read More about Ceramics I
Eng: Playwriting

Identify and investigate the tools needed to craft a stage-worthy play. Each student will be responsible for writing a one-act play by the end of the term.

Read More about Eng: Playwriting


Arts Faculty

Lindsay Lehmann

Lindsay Lehmann

Arts Department Head, Photography Teacher, School Photographer
Kathryn Fontaine

Kathryn Fontaine

Ceramic Arts and Sculpture Teacher
Nina Joly

Nina Joly

Director of Dance, Schwartz Visiting Fellow Chair
Brandon Kaplan

Brandon Kaplan

Music Teacher, Violin/Viola Instructor
Chip Lamb

Chip Lamb

Arts Teacher, Theater Director, Scripps Endowed Chair for the Arts